Batangas Today

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ray Gratzner's Comment on the Campaign for Non Violence in Children's TV Programs - SECOND PRIZE

By Ray Gratzner of Esoterical Journey

Dear jena, I don't want any ec-credits,my opinion is for free...;-)

Children learn from adults but nowadays children are left alone with tv. For some parents that is convenient because they get some children-free time.

So images of violence enter young minds and are stored deep down in the subconscious mind...

If our reality is a product of our thoughts, the reality of children will change, due to the impact of violent images, will be directed in a more violent direction. Is this a value for society?

There is so much entertainment, which has no need of violence. The tv series Friends for example, entertains without violence.

Why not produce entertainment, that is full of suspense, but void of violence?

In the USA until the end of highschool an average pupil has seen 32 000 murders, 40 000 attempted murders, 200 000 violent crimes. In 73% the offender will not be prosecuted and there are no alternatives shown up how the conflict could have been solved without violence.

What rules could a person derive from such a tv propaganda?

No violence on TV!

Happy Blogging.

Photo by Aaron Escobar

Friday, January 16, 2009

Jean Knill's Comment on the Campaign for Non Violence in Children's TV Programs - FIRST PRIZE


Hi Jena. I was thinking of writing a full article about this for you, but I can probably distill my opinion in a comment.

Twenty-odd years ago, I did a degree in Media Studies. The debate about whether and how children were affected by TV violence was in full swing then. But academics could not get evidence to come down hard on one side or the other. I found it incredible that anyone could believe it wouldn't affect children, but they all had to do their research and find the evidence. For me, it was just common sense.

Since then, in the UK, violence and gang culture among teenagers and young people has escalated to the point where many are carrying knives and guns. The amount of violence we see on TV and in other media has also developed so much that we tend to expect it.

So where did our youngsters' ideas come from? It seems blindingly obvious to me.

Even seeing their exploits on TV or in the newspapers often doesn't evoke shame, but rather pride among their peer group. The minority of young people this applies to seems to be growing and spreading, and the media clearly plays a large role in this.

Sadly, our values are changing. Without much thought, our society seems to have accepted, even embraced, the idea that violence is ok in what we read, see and hear in the media.

Voices raised against haven't made much headway, but that doesn't mean they should give up. I'm not suggesting that we should completely eradicate violence from the media, but that we should not sensationalise it, and we should compensate with more positive images. We need to strike the right balance to teach our children that two wrongs don't make a right.

At the moment, even parents who carefully monitor what their children are exposed to at home can't protect them from violent make-believe games that are thought up in the school playground by other children. Once she went to school, I soon found my little granddaughter playing games in which she 'killed' all her soft toys .

Photo by abudardak

Winners of the Contest on Comments for the Campaign

I would like to apologize for the late posting of the winners. Work has been extra -toxic, but now here they are:

First prize Jean Knill a.k.a. Jakill of Jean’s Musings
3,000 EC credits and one month ad in this blog

1st Runner up: Ray Gratzner of The Esoterical Journey
2,000 EC credits and one month ad in this blog (already existing, lol)

2nd Runner up: Ian Peatey of Quantum Learning
1,000 EC credits and one month ad in this blog

For all participants 300 EC credits.

I’ll be posting each comment from the first prize to the third.

Thanks guys for participating. Happy blogging!